Asset Reliability, Availability and Criticality Analysis
PBM performs integrated analyses of Reliability, Availability and Criticality of system and/or specific equipment up to the component level. The analysis mostly uses plant specific maintenance and operation data and/or industry specific reliability data source, when there is no sufficient data available from the plant. Criticality is defined here as the probability of occurrence of an adverse event, multiplied by the conditional probability that if this event occurs, it may have a significant impact on the availability, profitability, productivity, health and/or safety of the staff and/or facilities or on the environment.
Included in the integrated analysis:
- System, Equipment, Component and Maintenance Task Criticality Assessment
- Inherent system Reliability and Availability Assessment
- Projection of future operation availability
- Design changes focusing on cost implications through cost/benefit analysis
The following analysis techniques will be used:
- Functional Analysis of the systems
- Failure Modes and Effect Analysis
- Fault and Event Tree Analysis (FTA & ETA) Reliability and Availabity (for critical components only)
- Criticality assessment
PBM will assign a criticality criteria not only for strategic assets but also for every single maintenance task. It enables to identify value added maintenance task. The frequency of value-added activities will be adjusted according to the efficiency of the activities proposed and the criticality of the components involved in this activity.